Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to compile Linux for Zybo (Zynq) development board and start it from QSPI

This article will describe how to prepare all the necessary files to run Linux from the Xilinx FPGA, namely the Zybo debug board. With the subsequent writing of the necessary files on QSPI and the launch of the finished system.

This article is based on the following guides:

FPGA development will be done in Vivado 2019.1, The necessary files for Linux will be compiled in a virtual machine Oracle VM VirtualBox, on which Ubuntu is installed.

Compilation will take place without PetaLinux, which, as Xilinx claims is a platform that contains everything you need to run Linux on FPGA and makes it easy to make changes. In this manual however, everything will be assembled manually, in order to take a closer look at the work of embedded systems.

The system boot process is described by the following scheme, taken from UG1165 and UG873:

Fig. 1 system load chart
Boot ROM - execution of instructions contained in a dedicated FPGA memory, they carry out initial initialization, select the media in which the FSBL search will be performed and launch it. You cannot change this code, the rest of the files must be prepared.

So, let's begin.

The first step is to create a project in Vivado. To check the board's performance and correct settings, you can use a ready-made project from Xilinx located on github, it is implemented on version 2017.4. But this tutorial uses version 2019.1 and creates a project from scratch. Nevertheless, there you can see the correct settings for DDR and QSPI.

In the Zybo development board, the XC7Z010CLG400C-1 is used and should be selected when creating the project. Xilinx recommends using off-the-shelf libraries for its debugging boards, when creating a project, instead of a specific chip. As they say it facilitates the connection of various interfaces, a detailed description is here. But in order not to be tied to specific libraries, we will select the necessary chip separately.

Fig.2 Chip selection
Next you need to create a Block Design. In the left menu, under "IP Integrator", click "Create Block Design", in the created Block Design we add a new IP core "Zynq7 processing system", then at the top of the screen click at "Run Block Automation", click ok in the window that appears. After performing these actions, the processor must be correctly connected to its main conclusions.

After that, you will need to connect the pins FCLK_CLK0 and M_AXI_GP0_ACLK, so the frequency is fed to the AXI interface, it will not be used at the moment, but without this you cannot compile the project.

Fig.3 processor  IP core
This manual will not use the FPGA part of the device, you need to connect only the main components, most of which are connected automatically. But you should correctly configure the parameters of the system clock frequency, QSPI and RAM memory. For simplicity and to reduce the possibility of errors, it is desirable to use a ready-made project from Xilinx located on github, but nevertheless, the following will show the changes that must be made manually when creating a new project.

Connection and used components can be viewed on the scheme, which is in the public domain.

Double-click to open the IP settings of the processor core, for starters, in the section "Clock configuration", set the correct CPU clock frequency. Clock signals are sent to the output PS_CLK_500, and what it is connected to can be found on page 9:

Fig.4 CPU clock generator
As can be seen, processor clock signal is with a frequency of 50 MHz.
Let's put it inside Vivado:

Fig.5 Setting the processor clock frequency
The RAM uses 2 DDR3 memory blocks "MT41J128M16JT-125" (p. 12):

Fig.6 RAM memory
In the "DDR Configuration" section you should specify the memory used. But it will not be among the available IC's, it is not there due to the fact that this is an outdated version. The new version is no different from the previous one, but in addition it can work at low voltage, its code is "MT41K128M16JT-125" differs only in one letter. We should choose it.

Fig.7 RAM settings
It is also desirable to set the propagation delay, the values from the test project are presented below, but starting from Vivado 2018.1, while saving the entered settings, the compiler will issue a warning about negative values of delays, a detailed description of the problem is here. To remove errors, you need to change negative values to 0.

Fig.8 Configuring delays on PCB tracks
Then go to "MIO Configuration", change "Bank 1 I/O Voltage" to "LVCMOS 1.8V" and in the same window under "Memory interfaces" tick "Quad SPI Flash", tick "Feedback CLK", change speed on fast for all pins and disable "pullup":

Fig.9 Configuring interfaces
U-boot first configures the peripherals, by default it will initialize Ethernet and SD card, because of this they need to be connected, otherwise the U-boot will hang. You can disable them in the U-boot sources /configs/zynq_zybo_defconfig. For configuration in Vivado, the parameters are as follows:

Fig.10 Configuring interfaces (2)
Рис.11 Настройка интерфейсов (3)
Also, in order to communicate with Linux, you must connect the UART:

Fig.11 Configuring interfaces (3)
Next, you need to create an HDL wrapper - in the Sources tab, right-click on "design_1" and click on "Create HDL wrapper ..." and leave the default option with automatic creation.

After that you need to compile the project. Then export it to the SDK by clicking File -> Export -> Hardware. In the window that appears, you need to put a tick next to "Include bitstream" and click ok.

The final step is to run the SDK via File -> Launch SDK. Thereafter, changes will no longer be required in Vivado.

Inside the SDK, you need to create an FSBL. It will set the correct frequency and DDR settings along with QSPI. Also download all files to ram. Additional information: Video from Xilinx about FSBL. Xilinx wiki FSBL, TRM UG585UG821. To do this, create a new project File -> New -> Application project.

Fig.13 Creating a new project
In the window that appears, enter the project name, click Next and select "Zynq FSBL".

Fig.14 Selection of FSBL
FSBL allows you to run either baremetal application or a third-party bootloader that will launch a full-fledged OS, in our case U-Boot is used to run Linux.

Further, most of the work will occur in Linux. You will also need to transfer files between two OSs, how it's done in Oracle VM described here.

All required files can be found at
Additional information about U-Boot and compilation: Build U-Boot.
The easiest way to download files it through Git, is to install it execute:
sudo apt-get install git-core


To download U-Boot, you must enter the following command:
git clone

After that, the u-boot-xlnx folder will appear in your home directory.
It is necessary to go into it and run the command line there. 
cd u-boot-xlnx

Next, run the following commands
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export ARCH=arm
make zynq_zybo_config

If the terminal gives the following errors:

  YACC    scripts/kconfig/
/bin/sh: 1: bison: not found
scripts/Makefile.lib:228: recipe for target 'scripts/kconfig/' failed
make[1]: *** [scripts/kconfig/] Error 127
Makefile:496: recipe for target 'zynq_zybo_config' failed
make: *** [zynq_zybo_config] Error 2

Then you need to install the bison package:
sudo apt-get install bison

and try again. Successfully executed command looks like this:

Fig.15 U-Boot configuration
After configuration, you must run the command

This will compile U-Boot, create the U-Boot.elf file in the same directory and the mkimage utility which will be used later.


The next step is to compile the Linux kernel. Read more about this First, download it using the command:
git clone

Go to the created directory:
cd linux-xlnx

Configure the kernel:
make ARCH=arm xilinx_zynq_defconfig
make ARCH=arm menuconfig

The settings menu will open; if you don’t need additional changes, you can simply close the window:

Figure 16. Linux configuration
We start compilation by command
make ARCH=arm UIMAGE_LOADADDR=0x8000 uImage

If an error occurs:
gcc: error: unrecognized argument in option ‘-mabi=aapcs-linux’

need to re-run the following command:
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

After compiling in the folder
file will appear
This is the compiled kernel.


You need to use a DTB file called "Device tree". It describes to Linux which hardware is used, more on this here.

It is already compiled in the folder
with the name

But for the sake of practice we will compile a new file, this is done by the following commands:
cd u-boot-xlnx
./scripts/dtc/dtc -I dts -O dtb -o ./devicetree.dtb ./arch/arm/dts/zynq-zybo.dts 

If an error occurs:
Error: ./arch/arm/dts/zynq-zybo.dts:7.1-9 syntax error
FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree

It is necessary to change the line in the dts file
#include "zynq-7000.dtsi"
/include/ "zynq-7000.dtsi"

The terminal should not display anything if successfully executed:

Fig.17 Compiling device tree
If everything worked out correctly, the devicetree.dtb file should appear in the u-boot-xlnx folder.

Root File System

Now you need to create a file system with which Linux will work, when creating a U-boot, an utility was also created to create a file system.

First you need to download the file arm_ramdisk.image.gz, this page also contains a more detailed description of this step.

But still, if the downloaded file is located in the Downloads folder, then from the root directory you need to run:
./u-boot-xlnx/tools/mkimage -A arm -T ramdisk -C gzip -d ./Downloads/arm_ramdisk.image.gz uramdisk.image.gz

If successful, the uramdisk.image.gz file will appear in the root directory, which will be needed later.

BOOT image

Now you need to put all the files together and create a boot file for QSPI. After transferring files from Linux to Windows, return to the SDK and do the following:
Xilinx -> Create Boot Image

It is necessary to add all of the created files, the .bit FPGA file is optional, if we only work with a processor. For all files except FSBL, .BIT and U-Boot, you must specify their location in memory, to do this, when adding a file, it is assigned an offset. By default, when running U-Boot with QSPI, the addresses are as follows: uImage = 0x100000, devicetree = 0x600000, uramdisk.image.gz = 0x620000. If you specify them incorrectly, an error and the correct address will be shown in the terminal at the boot stage. Default addresses can also be viewed or modified in the U-Boot source code.
U-Boot include/configs/zynq-common.h after
"qspiboot=run xilinxcmd && " \
Or inside guide for ZC702.

Also, the files should be located in the correct order, according to the time of launch, in memory they are located one after another. For FSBL in the column Partition type, instead of the datafile, you need to put a bootloader, as a result it should look like this:

Fig.18 Creating a boot image
Fig.19 Adding offset
To program QSPI, you need to select Xilinx -> Programm Flash. In the window that appears, add BOOT.bin to the Image File and FSBL:

Fig.20 QSPI Programming
When programming a Zybo, you should switch to JTAG mode. After successful programming, the board should be switched to the boot mode with QSPI, through the terminal connected to the COM port (USB cable and putty terminal in my case), you can monitor the progress of the Linux boot and continue to work with it.

Fig.21 Linux ready to go

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